Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm staying in a house that survived the Caste Wars of the 1850s,  thick walls plastered with the material they used in Classic Maya construction, very cool, a garden kitchen; I study in the hammock... see photos below.

I'm working with my linguistics students to take semantics terms and translate them into Maya with definitions and examples, so there'll be a Maya semantics book when we're done. The onomatopoeia  words are a trip: Xplux (the sound of slipping), chuk chuk chuk (engine sounds), ts'oc, puc, wiix (pronounced weesh) for pee... 


  1. Hi, Anne...

    Loving all the colors. Sounds like you are well underway linguistically...Look forward to more.
    Chuk, chuk, chuk.

    (Are you still accessing your email, BTW?)

  2. Mummy mummy mummy! What beautiful colors you are surrounded by! It looks warm, peaceful and just the right amount of breezy. Mmmmm. I can smell it. I love you.


Swine flu masks DF

Swine flu masks DF
séen k'eek'en

A Choral poem in Maya

A Choral poem in Maya